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How To Get Mesothelioma Cancer Treated, Everything About

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July 4, 2008

How To Get Mesothelioma Cancer Treated, Everything About

First off, you should understand how mesothelioma attacks the body. The main cause of mesothelioma cancer is certain materials called "Asbestos", these materials have very dangerous effects on the body. Asbestos were used in the past in many manufacturing company.

The mesothelioma cancer is one of the most dangerous cancers
discovered till now, it can attack some places in the body like
the pleura, the abdomen and the pericardium. According to the
affected area, mesothelioma cancer can be classified to three
types, the pericardial mesothelioma that attack the pericardium
area, the pleural mesothelioma that attack the pleura area and
the peritoneal mesothelioma that attack the pericardium area.

The main problems with diagnosis process is the very long time
for symptoms to appear, they takes about 45 years to appear.
After they appear, they will be very similar to other disease
that make the diagnosis process more harder.

The main cause of mesothelioma cancer was discovered, they are
the asbestos, the asbestos materials are material that was used
in the past in some manufacturing fields such as the cement and
textile manufacturing fields. Asbestos are the main cause of
mesothelioma cancer.

The main types of treatment should be, the surgery method, the
chemotherapy method and the radiation method. The surgery method
in which the doctor can remove the affected area with the
tumors. The chemotherapy option in which the doctor give the
mesothelioma patient some powerful chemical drugs that can kill
the cancer cells instantly. The radiotherapy is also another
treatment option for mesothelioma that can be combined with the
other two options.

For mesothelioma litigation and compensation, the mesothelioma
victim can make a litigation to have a suitable compensation
from the manufacturing company that let him/her to deal with
Asbestos. The mesothelioma settlement can reach millions of

There are other alternative medicine treatment by using some
herbal drugs or by the other famous alternative medicine
options. Finally, you must consul your doctor that can decide
which treatment option should be more suitable that the other.

When the Asbestos enter the body, they settle on the wall of
lungs cause inflammations, those inflammations can cause
malignant tumors after many years, it takes very long time for
mesothelioma symptoms to appear and this is why the diagnosis
process for mesothelioma is very hard.

For treatment processes, mesothelioma cancer can be treated by
using one of the following options, the first option is the
surgery, the second option is the chemotherapy and the last
effective option is the radiotherapy. There are many other
options but not effective.

In the surgery option the surgeon will likely remove the
malignant tumors from the lungs, in some cases, the surgeon may
have to remove the whole lung. The surgery option is the most
effective option to treat that cancer, whereas the chemotherapy
and the radiation therapy are considered to be assistant
treatment options.

In the chemotherapy option, certain types of chemicals that can
kill cancer cells. As I mentioned before, the chemotherapy
option can be used after the surgery as an assistant method to
remove any remaining cancer cells. The radiation therapy is the
option of using certain types of radiations that have the
ability of destroying tha cancer cells, this option can also be
used after the surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells.

About the Author: By Husseiny Shahin, Please visit
Know everything about mesothelioma at


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